You may wish to support Amicus through your will. Any bequest to AMICUS foundation entitles you to a tax deduction that may significantly lessen your estate tax burden. But more importantly, your bequest is a simple and meaningful way to give a gift that benefits people and makes a lasting difference in the world.
There are several ways to make a bequest to AMICUS through your will or trust.
- An outright cash gift
- A gift of real estate
- A gift of stocks, bonds or other securities
- A percentage of your estate
- A "contingent bequest," naming Amicus
as the recipient should another beneficiary
not survive you.
- A "life income bequest" whereby
following your death income is paid to another
individual for his/her lifetime;after that time,
the principal will go to AMICUS.
Suggested language: Please use the following suggested language to remember AMICUS foundation in your will or trust:
"I hereby give to AMICUS, a not-for-profit corporation
(Tax ID #95-4047820), the following described property:
(description of the property or portion of
the estate that will be bequeathed to AMICUS)."
"The income and, at the discretion of the Board
of Directors, part or all of the gift principal shall
be used to support the general objectives and purposes
of AMICUS through the AMICUS Endowment. "
If you would like more information on this or any other special giving options to Amicus, please feel free to email, or call us at 808-828-2828