Donated books are badly needed to fill libraries and schools. What kind of books? Political & historical atlases, dictionaries and encyclopedias, books on world history, on medicine, on world religions, art, language and culture. How about a subscription to a magazine like National Geographic?
Also badly needed are English translations of Buddhist texts. These gifts are
received with overwhelming gratitude - - living proof that the best encouragement
we can give the people of the Himalayas and around the world is support for their
own cultural heritage.
Dust off your bookshelves! And mail them to us at the address below. We will ship them to where they are desperately needed.
Amicus Foundation
4217 Waipua Street
Kilauea, Hawaii 96754
If you would like more information on this or any other special giving options to Amicus, please feel free to email donorservices@amicusfoundation.org, or call us at 808-828-2828